Application Domains

Digital Twins

Digital twins (DTs) take various forms: from static models of their physical counterpart, to functional and real-time ones, up to intelligent ones able to make decisions. They hold huge perspectives in accelerating scientific discovery and revolutionizing numerous industrial sectors. They can also be seen as critical tools for decision making, based on a synergy of models, data and knowledge. The use cases for DT are numerous, beyond industry, applications cover multiple areas such as health, buildings, urbanisms, policy-making or other sectors of society and the potential they offer is wide reaching. However, many areas of research have yet to be tackled from the perspective of the digital twin.


Research Questions

  • How to build a self-adaptive digital twin that dynamically captures knowledge and information about the physical twin ?
  • How to tackle DT communication aspects : information modelling, data exchanges, and interoperability?
  • How to combine ontologies and Digital Twins?
  • How to empower digital twins with AI ?

Research Themes

  • Digital twins for evidence-based policy-making
  • Digital twins for the electrical domain and industry
  • Reference architectures, maturity models and interoperability of the approaches
  • Knowledge-Based Digital Twins
  • DT Languages 
  • Standardization in the domain of DT
  • Digital Twin as a service
  • DT and decision support obligations and responsibilities
  • Requirement engineering for DT


  • 4EU+ ITT Workshop 
  • Informer de manière efficace les politiques publiques grâce aux technologies numériques, l’IA et les jumeaux numériques. Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo.  In 34e séminaire ch 2024 « Gouverner aujourd'hui » à Interlaken, January 5th, 2024 (high-level event for Cantons’ ministers’ meeting in Switzerland).


  • Master projects:
      • Knowledge-based self-adaptive digital twin (Arne Baele)

      • Real-time digital twin for buildings (Subanki Suntharanaathan)

Research Projects


Tools and Infrastructure / Research Output