Digital Humanities

-- In collaboration with the LATL group --
Although the widespread use of the term digital humanities is relatively recent, the connection between computing and the humanities has been active since the early days of computing science. The Index Thomisticus project, a computer-generated concordance to Thomas Aquinas’ writing, was initiated in the late 1940s. The creation of the first hypertext systems, the ancestors of the worldwide web, owes much to researchers in literature who wanted to explore the notions of non sequential writing, text transclusion, or computer generated documents.
Therefore, the digital humanities domain is not limited to designing computational tools to help humanists in their research activities. It encompasses the development of new computational techniques and concepts to study digitised cultural objects and the production, study, and conservation of new digital objects.
Research Questions
- How to extract semantic representations of cultural objects from their direct digital representations (photos, 2D and 3D scans, etc.)?
- What computational models to process humanities data?
- What are the most appropriate visualisation techniques for humanities data and knowledge?
Research Themes
- Automated and crowdsourced techniques for manuscript transcription
- Knowledge extraction from texts
- Virtual documents
- Representation of historical data
- Temporal logic for historical reasoning
- Knowledge visualisation techniques
- Publication of humanities data on the semantic web
- Semantic 3D models for cities
- Geographically contextualized knowledge
Recent Work
de Ribaupierre, H., Falquet, G. (2017) Extracting discourse elements and annotating scientific documents using the SciAnnotDoc model: A use case in gender documents. to appear in International Journal on Digital Libraries.
Aljalbout, S., Falquet, G. (2017) A Semantic Model for Historical Manuscripts. In proc. Third International Workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage at ESWC'17. Portorož, Slovenia, May 2017.
Aljalbout, S., Falquet, G. (2017) Un modèle pour la représentation des connaissances temporelles dans les documents historiques : Applications sur les manuscrits de F. Saussure. In Proc. 28es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC 2017), Caen, July 2017.
Aljabout, S., Cosenza, G., Falquet, G. & Nerima, L. A Semantic Infrastructure for Scientific Manuscripts, In Book of Abstracts 5th AIUCD Annual Conference, pp. 171-175, Venice, Italy, Aug. 2016.
Tardy, C., Falquet, G., Moccozet, L. (2016) Semantic enrichment of places with VGI sources: a knowledge based approach. In Proc. 9th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval in conjunction with ACM SIGSPATIAL Conf., San Francisco, Nov. 2016.
Lemmens, R., Falquet, G., Metral, C. (2016) Towards Linked Data and ontology development for the semantic enrichment of volunteered geo-information. In proc. Link-VGI Workshop at the AGILE 2016 Conf., Helsinki, Finland, June 14th 2016.
Tardy, C., Moccozet, L., Falquet, G. (2016) A simple tags categorization framework using spatial coverage to discover geospatial semantics. OD4LS Workshop, in conjunction with WWW2016, Montreal, QC, Canada, April 12, 2016
Bucher B., Falquet G., Métral C., Lemmens R. (2016) Enhancing the management of quality of VGI: contributions from context and task modelling. In: European handbook of crowdsourced geographic information, C. Capineri, H. Huang, M. Haklay (Eds), Ubiquity Press, forthcoming
Billen R., Cutting-Decelle A.-F., Métral C., Falquet G., Zlatanova S., Marina O. (2015) Challenges of semantic 3D city models: a contribution of the COST Research Action TU0801. In: International Journal of 3D Information Modeling, 4(2), 68-76, April-June 2015.